Thursday, September 20, 2007

A SERIOUS TOPIC : Urine infection 尿道发炎

A urinary , and waste products, it usually does not have bacteria in it. When bacteria get into the bladder or kidney and multiply in the urine, they cause a UTI. The most common type of UTI is a bladder infection which is also often called
cystitis. Another kind of UTI is a kidney infection, known as pyelonephritis, and is much more seritract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. Although urine contains a variety of fluids, saltsous. Although they cause discomfort, urinary tract infections are usually quickly and easily treated by seeing a doctor promptly.

  • Symptoms:

  • Prevention
  • Cleaning the urethral meatus (the opening of the urethra) after intercourse has been shown to be of some benefit; however, whether this is done with an antiseptic or a placebo ointment (an ointment containing no active ingredient) does not appear to matter.[3]
  • It has been advocated that cranberry juice can decrease the incidence of UTI (some of these opinions are referenced in External Links section). A specific type of tannin found only in cranberries and blueberries prevents the adherence of certain pathogens (eg. E. coli) to the epithelium of the urinary bladder. A review by the Cochrane Collaboration of randomized controlled trials states 'some evidence from trials to show cranberries (juice and capsules) can prevent recurrent infections in women. Many people in the trials stopped drinking the juice, suggesting it may not be a popular intervention'.[4]
  • For post-menopausal women, a randomized controlled trial has shown that intravaginal application of topical estrogen cream can prevent recurrent cystitis.[5] In this study, patients in the experimental group applied 0.5 mg of estriol vaginal cream nightly for two weeks followed by twice-weekly applications for eight months.
    Often long courses of low dose antibiotics are taken at night to help prevent otherwise unexplained cases of recurring cystitis.
  • Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in preventing new infections in recurrent cases.[6][7][8] One study showed that urinary tract infection occurrence was reduced by 50% for 6 months.[9] However, this study has been criticized for several reasons.[10] Acupuncture appears to reduce the total amount of residual urine in the bladder [citation needed]. All of the studies are done by one research team without independent reproduction of results.

  • Cleaning genital areas prior to and after sexual intercourse.
  • For sexually active women, and to a lesser extent men, urinating within 15 minutes of sexual intercourse to allow the flow of urine to expel the bacteria before specialized extensions anchor the bacteria to the walls of the urethra.
  • Having adequate fluid intake, especially water.
  • Not resisting the urge to urinate.
  • Taking showers, not baths, or urinating soon after taking a bath.
  • Practicing good hygiene, including wiping from the front to the back to avoid contamination of the urinary tract by fecal pathogens.

  • 尿道感染炎
    什麼是尿道感染 ? 尿道感染俗稱尿道炎,就是細菌在尿道中造成尿道的發炎。正常的尿道是無菌的狀態,但細菌進入尿道後,就會造成尿道的發炎,細菌可經由尿道口跑到膀胱,有時候可以上溯至腎臟,而造成腎孟腎炎。細菌除了從尿道口地到尿道以外,也可以經由血液跑到尿道中,當細菌造成尿道發炎以後,細菌常常會殘留在腎臟或是尿道結石或是在攝護腺中,在這些器官中不斷的生長,造成慢性的尿道炎。

  • 尿道炎的症狀包括 :
  • 一、疼痛,在膀胱的部位或是下背部發生疼痛。
  • 二、灼熱感,排尿時有灼熱感。
  • 三、尿感常常會有如刺的感覺。
  • 四、夜尿,晚上會起來小便。
  • 五、血尿。
  • 六、尿液混濁或是尿液有惡臭。嚴重的病人,發燒發冷常常會發生,同時並有嚴重的背痛,在肋骨下會有嚴重的疼痛。可是有些病人的尿道炎完全沒有症狀。如果有上老症狀走否表示有尿道炎?不,有以上的症狀不一定表示有尿道炎,其他原因例如吸煙、喝酒、喝咖啡或是膀胱發炎也會有以上的症狀,不一定是有細尿道炎菌跑到尿道造成尿道炎。
  • 我如何知道自己有尿道炎 ?
  • 尿道炎的診斷非常簡單,只要用一般的尿液檢查以及尿道評量就可以診斷出是否患有尿道炎。
  • 是什麼原因造成尿道炎
  • 尿道炎是細菌跑到尿道中造成的、常見的細菌是大腸桿菌,其他常見的細菌是在腸胃道的細菌。
  • 哪一些病人比較容易得到尿道炎呢 ?
  • 如果有攝護腺肥大、尿道結石或是腎臟結石和婦女,都比較容易得到尿道發炎

  • 尿道炎如何治療?尿道炎可以利用抗生素有效的治療,大部份的抗生素都可以治癒尿道炎,尿道炎的治療最重要的是避免慢性尿道炎的發土,為避免慢性尿道炎的發生,必須有效的把細菌清除,一般的治療過程需要兩星期至三個月不等,在這段期間你必須與你的醫生配合,以清除尿道的細菌,達到有效的完全治療。

  • 尿道炎有幾種?尿道炎大蓋分做兩種 :
  • 一、膀胱炎。膀胱炎最常會發生,小便灼熱感或是小便有刺痛感。
  • 二、腎臟發炎以及腎孟腎炎,腎孟腎炎比較不常發生,但腎孟腎炎  發生時較為嚴重,此時會有高澆、背痛、惡心、嘔吐等症狀,  有時候被誤診為上呼吸道感染或是感冒,這時候必須請腎臟科  專科醫師治療,才可以有效的治療。

  • 尿道炎需要什麼檢查?
  • 當小孩有尿道炎的時候必須進一步的檢查,
  • 此外,婦女一年有兩次以上的尿道炎也需要進一步的檢查,
  • 男性有尿道發炎的情形也必須進一步的檢查。深層的尿道檢查包括 X光月以及超音波,以找尋尿道是否有異常。

  • 什麼人比較容易得到尿道感染?
  • 下列病人會比較容易得到尿道感染 :
  • 一、女性。
  • 二、年紀大的老年人。
  • 三、糖尿病病人。
  • 四、有尿道結石或是攝護腺肥大的病人。
  • 五、病人需要使用等尿管。上述病人比較容易得到尿道發炎的機會,尤其是女性,女性因為尿道口比較短,較男性容易得到尿道炎,女性在停經後尿道炎的發生率會上升,因為婦女在停經後賀爾蒙的愛化,使得尿道口減少了保護的能力,較容易發生尿道炎,此外,懷孕的婦女也比較容易得到尿道炎。

  • 為什麼婦女會容易重覆發生尿道炎 ?
  • 很多婦女會重覆的發生尿道炎,最主要的原因是由於細菌在尿道中殘留,細菌會在尿道的上皮上一直殘留而重覆發生尿道炎,這時候必須耐心的給予三個月以上的治療,才能把尿道內的細菌得以完全清除。

  • 何避免發生 尿道炎
  • 一、喝水。
  • 二、減少瞥尿。
  • 三、房事後進行沐浴。
  • 四、使用淋浴。

男性為何得到尿道炎 ?



小孩如何得知有尿道炎? 家長必須注意小孩有下列的情形 :







this is what i got now...
im a patient of urinary tract infection!!!!:(

read.....i made it for a long time le....


2 gimme more:

Jacinth said...

any specific antibiotic to cure urine infection?can i get it in pharmacy?

May said...

it depends on your urine test..see how severe it is~
the doc gave me antibiotic and he had done a urine cultur for me