Thursday, September 27, 2007

Orientation for JUNIORS

my coursemate drew it....nice leh..? waicheng, ai ping and me:)

both the guys were singing....and on my right are partners in fashion show..
qian yi and me...

ok!sue, you should know who is this fellow...and superb nice sari....
just to tell you all that...
im actually other's senior!!!!!

4 gimme more:

justin k said...

Hey, That's my high school friend MOHAN!

Sue-zy said...

let me see, hmm..i saw Chen Chuan and Mohan...but where is Swee En? haha...why you didn't take picture with him?
by the way, Chen Chuan looks great :p

Sue-zy said...

anyway, the guy with the Puma shirt...i thought something going on between you guys? *evil grin*

May said... know mohan too sue??
haha...that day his hair was very yeng...
that's why!

nah...his fei wen gf is the one standing besides me..his partner!
no evil no evil ...;)

oh..justin, you are actually reading my blog?hehe...i know ..he was dancing that day too!!