Friday, January 1, 2010


if there is a year end post, so is this year...emm..beginning post?!

Im so glad that i can celebrate the very first day of the year in PENANG!!! after so many years~! yeah~~!!
i don't feel down anymore after i saw my parents and lied down on my bed..
i felt extremely comfortable and happy and safe!!
HOME, this is what we called?!
again, im lazy to leave the house already...haha...this is where i belonged to~~!!!!

Happy NEW YEAR~!!
to the stalker as well....but damn you~:)

ps: i m still waiting for 2 phone calls....! $^$#$!@##%^ faster call me cant wait le!!!!!!^^

1 gimme more:

May said...

haha...i enjoy sms and call with you girls!!
hahahaha....din't do it for a long time le....:D:D