told you guys before...i went fro walkathon...
haha...this is the late post!
but...everything is still in my mind!!
My very FIRST walkathon in INDIA and my life as well!
don't want to suffocate inside!!
too many ppl leh.... least pink lah...haha...theme color!
the malays are so yeng!
they were fasting yet, they came for the walk!
'modern' in comparison with the buildings in maniapl lah...!!ok@!?
jien yeen,elsa,marine,kahling, liong and me!
remember there is a song named 'pass the flame' too?
they were actually adding oil into the ombor along the way to the destination....
what is the ombor called ?!
we were wondering how is he going to hold the ombor but actually the ombor is cold...not hot AT ALL!!!
we were wondering how is he going to hold the ombor but actually the ombor is cold...not hot AT ALL!!!
the volunteers will give us FOOD and DRINKS!
group photos of part of batch 20 participants and volunteers!
see an indian guy in between us?
he is our physiology lecturer...who is like short fat short that kind of lecturer!
got it!?hehe...^^
went to have breakfast after that....
this is upma...
i LOVE it!!!!
its sooooooo nice!!!!!
wahahaha...dunno malaysia got this or not!!
it is seriously worth taste it and love it as well!!
see what i bought?!
i thought i will feel tired after that but surprisingly i didn't!!
didn't even take a nap after that...
its proven that after exercing, i will have a more energetic body and clear mind to study!!
see those ppl in the photos!?
stupid idiots....
push here and there just to grab a T-shirt!
so playful and irresponsible!
yak shit lah idiots!!
if you happened to know that some of them are future doctor,
you will rather not to see a doc!!
ps: have to use red colour lah.....:p
2 gimme more:
haha...i thought chinese new year already....
HAHAHA...i was laughing when i saw the short fat short the way, at last you join some exercise outing there ;)
that's really great! are right!
finally,i joined something here!!
actually, our real destination was the restaurant that we went for breakfast!!
did you see him anywhere in chung hwa?
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