Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a word from my mind

suddenly...i feel like i can actually enjoying my life with lots of exams and the tension...
i know this sounds a bit rediculous...
yet, i would like to make a note that.....i feel the 'stress' has make my life contented and exciting...
i received one interesting sms yesterday
ïn how many days a 1000 pages book can be read?
writer-6 months
doctor-2 months
Lawyer-1 month
Student- on the night before the exam!!
isn't that true??;)

im not sure this is a good sign or what..you might think i have gone crazy...where got ppl like exam one?? not that i like the exam, but i will not deny to say that i enjoy the feeling of being rush to do something~.....

2 gimme more:

Sue-zy said...

actually sometimes i also kinda enjoy the feeling of rushing things at the very last minute...very qi kek ar..!! hahaha!!!

May said...

yaloh yaloh....
and then after that, when you relax and rest down you will feel like you have done something great...!!
both kind of feelings are just ...cannot be describe by words!!!;)