Saturday, March 27, 2010

the only thing

Playing the organ always soothe me, especially when i'm tense or upset.

and tonight, playing you at this very odd hours,
you cheered me up again.

the only thing in the world that will never let me down (unless you break down yourself! >.<)

huuhaaaa, feeling so much better now, i guess.
and it's time to get some beauty sleep...

It’s sad when you have all these
amazing, stupid, horrible or depressing thoughts,
but no one to tell them to.

4 gimme more:

Lin said...

Weeeiii! Are you ok ah?? Haven't talked to you in a while...really miss having you here in adelaide. haih. oh well, life still goes on. hope to catch up with u soon. =) Cheer up k?? *hugs*

Jason said...

Sounds happy only but why with the sad caption in this post ?

May said...

i miss your music~
and your compassion!

TomXX said...

yerh~ y emo??? T.T