Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Favorites


p/s: 爱情里的 “我的最爱” 和电脑里的 “我的最爱” (My Favorites)一样,
喜欢就 keep,不喜欢就 delete.

载自 <我的最爱>
L for Love, L for Lies.

3 gimme more:

May said...

good one..!! ouch the mandarin version is very 耐人寻思!

Sue-zy said...

yea...there are a lot of 经典对白 in the movie, also the other two which are also directed by the same person.

my favorites.
this moment you're my fav, the next moment you're not.
actually not only in love, friendship as well...sigh...

May said...

which movie? my fav or love is not around?
is the latest movie or old one??

hurted by someone recently?