Since noone wishes me here...
Let me syok sendiri!
Im officially 21 years old le...
or i should wait till the next monday which is my lunar birthday?!
stop saying sorry dear...please...haha...
if not i will feel sorry to ask you not to say sorry to me d!!!:D
soon...we will have new photos for our waiting for it Sue~!
so im waiting for you sue~!^^
6 gimme more:
i looked quite tired in the first pic...haha just after class...:p
i know what's inside the wrapped gift! =P hahaha...
eeee, both of you pakat to wear purple is it?
kel's hair is getting longer and longer liao i have the shortest hair among us. i used to have the longest T___T
but i'm starting to love having short/medium hair!
p/s: dun change the wallpaper! hahaha! =D
haha!!i look awfully tired in the second photo!!should take more coffee!!hahah
how do you know??
i have purple and black T shirts when i first came to melacca...then beh tong...went to get another 2 white T shirt..
so since kel is wearing purple..i also wear purple loh..who knows both are same type of purple d..:p
we looked like couple i htink..because the week before, my friend was wearing the same color clothes with her bf when her bf was in malacca!
your short hair realy is yue lai yue shun yan d!!:p
yer...drink so much coffee!!!>.<
don't change ar....alright...
Happy Birthday! Where is YOUR PHONE?!
in my room?
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