read this from one of my friend's blog...haiz... what can i say....every sentence every words mean a lotz to me... not because im the 'she'... is because im the 'he'... is truly how i feel, experienced throughout the period of time... " 未爱过,所以不大懂得爱。不懂怎么将爱定义。但你说你看见她会莫名地开心,喜欢跟她一起玩。 总喜欢找机会在言 辞上损她、取笑她。但是也会心疼她。 会维护她。会为她辩护。然后善忘的你,会记得带药给她。 “她绝对不是我的茶。” 那是你当时倔强的话。 后来你发现,只有她能给你温暖、幸福的感觉。 她很普通的一句问候、小小的动作,你却可以感动万分。 同时你也很感伤,因为你清楚知道,她从来不属于你。 她是他的啊。 你偶而会觉得气愤,怎么能够如此脆弱?怎么能够让一个人牵动着你的喜怒哀乐? 而且是 个不属于你的人。唉…… 然后你发现所有的情歌,忽然间都充满了意义。 怎么旋律能够如此伤感?怎么歌词那么贴切?歌词的意境怎么似曾相识? 然后你怀疑,写词的根本是盗用你的心情、你的故事、你的感觉。 慢慢就可以戒了她的吧。 时间会默默支持你。 然后故事中的你会渐渐消失。你故事中的她也会渐渐消失。 然后故事渐渐消失。。 尝过了苦涩、酸涩,下一次,一定可以品尝爱情的甜蜜。 加油加油!! P/s: 关于爱情,你好像懂了一点吧。 灵魂终究比较重要。 你发现你寻觅的是灵魂的伴侣(soulmate)。而那些预设的框框可以通通被打烂。" 读着读着....心里真是有莫名的感触... time passes.....time flies.....but why...nothing seems to have changed?!?!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Scribbled by
8:14 PM
gimme more
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Im sick of having
palpitation at most of the days...
diarrhea whenever i get palpitation and nervousness...
uneasy and uncomfortable whenever im nervous......
'something going to happen' awareness which will make my mood down and having bad temper...
negative thoughts here and there....
worry of this and that which are all unnecessary...
predicting the future....
dealing with interpersonal skills....
getting frustrated for minor or major thingy but out of my control...
easily get distracted by good of nothing.....
fights in my mind between sleep or being awake....
helps are needed....
rest and break are much more appreciated now....
my poor little soul.....
HEART SOUL AND MIND....are essential unbroken relationship in life......
i realized....JUST realized.......
Scribbled by
11:17 AM
gimme more
Don't make decisions when you're angry.
Don't make promises when you're happy.
Scribbled by
1:35 AM
gimme more
Thursday, January 6, 2011
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