Friday, April 24, 2009


i have a very bad temper today..

scolded one person, complained to another one...


im basically want to share what's happenning in the paediatrics ward. I had been to 2 hospitals for this posting. For the posting, i need to go to paediatrics ward, post natal ward (baby) and OPD. I have to admit that i don't really like pae when i was in pae ward-- its very difficult to communicate with the children and ask for their history. even you ask his mother, language barrier always trouble me!! But there was one case that really touched me.

the child is having bronchopeumonia. she has breathing diffuculty and you can see that all the time she is crying and trying to gasp for more air. Whenever she is awake, she cries; whenever she is sleeping, she needs the oxygen resuscitation. she cries a lot, but the crying doesn't irritate you, especially when you see the mother is getting more and more tired day by day, still, she has to accompany the child and try her best to make her comfortable. I know is very mean, but, we are given a task to take the child's history and examine her. The doctors had already done the rounding and examination; whatever we are doing is just for education purposes. She can choose not to bother us but maybe she thinks that we may help her child in anyway?? Also, the heart sound. the heart sound of the child is like telling you how difficult she feels even in her dreams. For almost one week already, i never see her smile.

0 gimme more: