this post is specially for you, MAY~
My date for this valentine's day was kel and i was hers :p
actually at first we felt quite awkward, because we were so scared that people will look at us in one kind...
alright, so we dated at gurney plaza and had lunch at secret recipe. and guess what we ordered???
"Valentine's Special Set"...sounds lovely isn't it?
but the funny part was, when kel was placing the order to the waiter, he was like so....don't know how to say, erm....YEA, he was stunned!! he paused for quite a while before he was able to mumble a light "okayy..." HAHAHAHA~
then the first thing being served on our table was the apple sparkling juice...and kel did something hilarious!!!
i was drinking the juice and suddenly she asked me why my straw can bend one but her's can't?
only then she realized she had placed the straw upside down!!! maybe this might sound not funny at all, but we laughed like mad you know?? ;)
the straw...
our valentines :p
our valentine's set finally these are some photos we purposely took for you to see:
my kebab chicken
kel's cheese macaroni
super delicious spring rolls
tiramisu cakes (yummy!)
after that we went window shopping and went into MPH to camwhore, but we ended up buying these...instead of roses and chocolates :psome bookmarks and small note books...
to fully use the time, we decided to go to east india and tried on some clothes...yooo~kel looks gorgeous in that top but i look as if i'm pregnant + fat + "aeroplane"..or was it the angle problem??
then we walked into somerset bay to kill some time, and kel told me that the promoters were guessing our age! she overheard that they guessed we are 20....hohoho...phew, luckily...!!!
p/s: me and kel have came up with a new term called "Rafflesia"....HAHAHA!
you guess what are we referring to??? will reveal you the answer when you come back :p
(kel, i just can't help but LOL whenever i think of the moment when we were in popular and i pointed to a book cover that has Rafflesia's image on it!!!) WAHAHAHAHA!!! *qi xin jor*
1 gimme more:
wait...i thought the dress is not bad!!or amybe its just the angle problems???
well..the tiramisu cake looked really nice!!!!!
but...tiramisu wor..>>>
Rafflesia is the biggest flower so...
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