Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sick Cat =(

Sick for 2 days, now haven't fully recover yet. First day was the worst, whole body ache (maybe because after playing badminton), FEVER, running nose, COUGH, sorethroat. Cough and sneeze for these few days make my voice becomes husky and sexy.
And for those who don't know, i hate taking medicine! Especially the fever punya pills (why they have to make it super big?) and cough syrup (double yucks!) Feel like throw up everytime i consume the greenish syrup. May, you know why cough syrup tastes like hell?
Been staying at home watching Forensic Heroes 2, finished 15 episodes in 2 days. Sigh, why Ding Ding (one of the character starred by Linda Chung) has to perish so early? she's one of the reason i hook on the series...

Just now went to some site and saw this test thingy. kinda fun though...
dare yourself to do it if you're one of my friends =)
the funniest thing is that i myself redo the test and can't even score 100%! i think my fever is getting worse, not thinking with my straight mind again.
*stupid blocked nose* have to breath through the mouth is super tiring and troublesome!


2 gimme more:

May said...

i dunno...
today i got 'bomb' by my cousin and aunt...why i got headache?do i have any sickness?...why i feel breathlessness??

and..coincidently, one of my cousin came back for holidays too..a superb clever and polite future doc..3rd year already..
so...'why she knows but not you??'
'eer....because i dunno loh?!'

im watching F.Heros now too!!!:D:D
tell you the ans why ting ting died lah..
heard that wu xian wants her to take another SHE HAS TO DIE!!

Sue-zy said...

i finished watching lo....
walao, so chin kak, i rather see ting ting for the whole movie than the ma kuok ying...don't really like her...